Most antique, upright pianos are worth $500 or less in very good condition.
#Wurlitzer piano value by serial number serial numbers
Piano serial numbers identify the (1) age of your piano, the (2) piano’s year of manufacture, as well as (3) the circumstances surrounding the production of your piano, including factory history, manufacturing processes, and company ownership and oversight. What does a piano serial number tell you? Using this number, along with the manufacturer, the age of the piano can sometimes be determined. Many pianos will have a 4, 5 or 6 digit serial number to identify the age of the piano. Pianos also have other numbers printed on them such as part numbers and many other pianos do not have a serial number at all. How do you tell what year a piano was made? In actuality these old instruments may be worth very little at all. Like antique books, antique pianos are not worth a lot of money just because they are old. Upright pianos usually have the brand name and serial number located inside the piano, on the back near the top of the strings. In most pianos, the brand name and serial number can be found inside the instrument near the soundboard or strings. Console pianos will be more towards the $1500 end, and the spinet pianos will be cheaper. This is providing it’s a Wurlitzer acoustic piano. What is the average Wurlitzer piano worth? You can expect to pay/sell your piano between $600 at the low end and $1500 at the high end. 16 Where do I find the serial number on my Wurlitzer harp?.15 What makes a Wurlitzer piano unique in the world?.14 Where can I find the serial number on a Wurlitzer piano?.13 When was the first Wurlitzer pipe organ made?.12 When did Gibson guitars buy the Wurlitzer piano company?.11 When did Franz Rudolph Wurlitzer start making pianos?.10 Where can I find the serial number of a Wurlitzer piano?.9 How heavy is a Wurlitzer electric piano?.8 How much does a Wurlitzer organ cost?.5 What does a piano serial number tell you?.4 How do you tell what year a piano was made?.1 What is the value of my Wurlitzer piano?.